MANILA — MENRE Forest Management Services (FMS) Director Abdul-Jalil S. Umngan and Chief Czarina M. Kunso participated in the USAID – Philippines Mid-Course Stocktaking of its Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) 2019-2024 held on 07 October 2022 in Manila.

As part of a stocktaking review of its strategy, USAID – Philippines holds a consultative session that featured a series of presentations and discussions on changes and challenges to the development context in the Philippines. The discussion outputs will be used to review USAID’s current strategy and to look ahead to the development of the next USAID strategy.

The consultation meeting seeks to address the following questions:

1. What are the new and emerging development priorities of the Philippines?

2. How can USAID leverage its country strategy to support these priorities for 2023-2024?

3. What should USAID consider as it designs its 2025-2030 CDCS?

Director Umngan and Chief Kunso joined the break-out session in the Environment sector. Umngan stressed that enforcing key ENRE priorities to address current and emerging issues should put priority on integrating the framework of Peace, Security, and Prosperity not only magnifying BARMM but the entire archipelago.

Through this consultation meeting, MENRE boosts in achieving its goal by broadening linkages to diverse development partners while aligning with the current administration’s economic agenda of Economic Transformation for a Prosperous, Inclusive, and Resilient Society.