BONGAO, Tawi-Tawi — The Protected Area Management Board (PAMB) for the Turtle Islands Wildlife Sanctuary (TIWS) in Tawi-Tawi laid out the recent and potential conservation and development efforts for the turtle nesting ground during their 3rd PAMB Meeting held in Bongao, Tawi-Tawi on July 17, 2024.

“The Turtle Islands stand as a testament to the delicate balance between nature and humanity. These islands, with their rich biodiversity and critical nesting grounds for endangered sea turtles, serve as a symbol of our conservation efforts,” said Minister of Environment, Natural Resources, and Energy (MENRE) Akmad A. Brahim in his message as delivered by Deputy Minister Muslima A. Asmawil.

Since the turnover of the TIWS administration and management to the Bangsamoro Government through the MENRE in 2021, the Ministry has expanded their conservation strategies through collaborating with other government and non-government entities. To recall, the MENRE has been in unison with the Malaysian Government for the Turtle Islands Heritage Protected Area (TIHPA) action plan, with the ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity for the ENMAPS Initiative, ASEAN Heritage Parks program, among others. These have been sustained aside from the constant coordination with the local government units of Tawi-Tawi and Taganak.

“Our responsibilities have never been more pressing. As custodians of this ecosystem, we must collectively adopt proactive measures to ensure its long-term health and resilience,” relayed by the Deputy Minister.

To promote sustainable development of the Turtle Islands, the PAMB also heard presentations from different proponents regarding their planned projects on network, connectivity, and energization in the municipality. Should there be any projects that will be established within the area, the Board assured that the protection and conservation of the Taganak environment and the protected sanctuary will be the top priority.

Still highlighting the collaborative preservation of TIWS, Tawi-Tawi Provincial ENRE Officer Jonel I. Mohammad Monel highlighted the role of the provincial and municipal local government units of Tawi-Tawi and Taganak, respectively, in their unwavering commitment toward the sustainability of Turtle Islands.

He said, “All these congenial relationships made the Turtle Islands in the limelight gaining national and international recognitions such as our transboundary dealings.”

Representing Minister Brahim to lead the meeting was MENRE Administrative and Finance Services Director Al-Sharif M. Tamburani, along with the Deputy Minister and the Biodiversity, Ecosystems, Research and Development Services (BERDS) Director Mohamad Ali R. Dimaren. They were supported by key officials from the Ministry and the PENREO. Joining the MENRE were the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Aquatic Resources, Science and Technology, the LGUs of Taganak and Tawi-Tawi, civil society organizations, and law enforcement, women, and academe sectors.

The promising future for TIWS is as clear as the pristine waters of the turtle haven as the MENRE anticipates further developments with its current endeavors and stronger linkages with nature conservation organizations. As reported during the meeting, there has been an increase in turtle nesting on the islands for the past years, and the MENRE ensures that this positive data will still be sustained in the decades to come.