LUGUS, Sulu – Newly-installed Environment, Natural Resources, and Energy (ENRE) Minister Akmad A. Brahim, who was appointed on 10 March 2022 and took oath of office before Chief Minister Ahod B. Ebrahim on 14 March 2022, led the monitoring team of the environment ministry on 16 March 2022 of the active mining company situated in Barangay Parian Kayawan, in this municipality.

Lugus H and M Mining Corporation presented their 2021 accomplishments on the Protection and Enhancement Plan (EPEP) and Social Development and Management Program (SDMP), which includes their programs on safety and health, environmental protection, and projects for the benefit of host communities and the environment.

The monitoring team is composed of Mines and Geosciences Services (MGS) Director Raphael L. Remo, Environment Management Services (EMS) Director Jalani M. Pamlian, Forest Management Services (FMS) Abdul-Jalil S. Umngan, Engineer Jaynul-ali M. Sambarani, Sulu Provincial ENRE Officer Pao N. Dambong, 2nd District Community ENRE Officer Hasan J. Eting, and Lugus Vice Mayor Almedzar A. Hajiri.

“Part of promoting moral governance is responsible mining, and we must ensure that the practice is being observed because the next generations are watching us,” said Minister Brahim.

“It is our obligation to Allah and to the next generations that we strictly adhere to the implementation of environmental laws and policies,” EMS Director Pamlian added.

MGS Director Remo stressed that “The environment ministry and its partners are at the forefront in ensuring the compliance of environmental protection of our natural resources in relation to the implementation of SDMP for the benefit of the communities and the environment.

“FMS Director Umngan highlighted that “Rehabilitation of the areas covered must include planting of indigenous and non-toxic trees, which are the natural habitat for the various species present and could also protect them from soil erosion.”

“The Provincial ENRE Office of Sulu commits in protecting and preserving the rich natural resources of the Province of Sulu,” said PENREO Dambong.

In a closing statement, Lugus Vice Mayor said, “The Local Government of Lugus is one with the MENRE and PENREO Sulu in closely monitoring the mining activities in our municipality”.

The executive mine visit aimed to monitor the compliance of Lugus H and M Mining Corporation with the aforesaid programs and the implementation of the Mineral Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA). This will help promote the responsible management, development, and proper use of mineral resources in the Bangsamoro region.